Los colores de la naturaleza: Atlas cromático de los reinos animal, vegetal y mineral

More than two hundred years ago, Patrick Syme described and completed Werner’s Color Nomenclature with the aim of establishing a universal color reference system, which ended up becoming an invaluable resource not only for artists, but also for zoologists. botanists, mineralogists, anatomists and explorers, including Charles Darwin on his famous voyage aboard the Beagle. This book makes Syme’s extraordinary volume available to today’s readers in an enhanced volume with contributions from leading natural history experts, more than a thousand contemporary illustrations of all the animals, plants, and minerals to which Werner referenced next to each color swatch and six fold-out pages. The Colors of Nature is the ideal illustrated reference volume for fine artists, naturalists and anyone attracted to the magic of color. 

Format: Hardback
Size: 50 x 50 x 28 cm
Extent: 290 pp
Date of publication: 22 March 2023
Publisher: Folioscopio
ISBN-10 : 8412386175
ISBN-13 : 978-8412386172


Estudio Laterna is an interdisciplinary design space based in Ibiza that integrates landscape architecture with a strong artistic approach. The studio was founded in 2004 by Andrea Sánchez and Ricardo Jarpa. The landscape architectural designs are led by Andrea with a team of landscape architects, biologists and artists. The application of the designs is directed by Ricardo with a team of professional gardeners and artisans. Together they create an alternative form of landscape architectural practice that unites design and exploration, pushing boundaries, connecting nature and its realms, speaking the ever evolving language of the more-than-human. This intertwining was the leitmotif that also inspired them to create Estudio Laterna Art Gallery, a nest of art in the heart of Ibiza island, manifesting a new perspective for local communities and international artists. Estudio Laterna is also developing other creative projects such as Kossmun, an experimental outdoor furniture brand.

+34 971 146 716
+34 696 644 570
+34 630 410 930
follow us @estudio_laterna

Venda de Parada 12
Santa Gertrudis de Fruteira,
07814 Santa Eulalia des Riu, Ibiza

Open monday to wendesday from 9am to 7pm,

thursday and friday from 9am to 10pm

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